点击,Next 点击“install”,安装完成后,打开sourcetree,点击“user an existing account”,如图 注意:1使用谷歌帐号登录即可,前提是你必须可以上谷歌才可以。 GOOGLE帐号登录完成之后,如图: 此处无需设置,直接点击“跳过初始设置”即可。 登录注册成功后,弹出设置puttykey的界面,点击“取消”即可。 点击“取消”按钮,弹...
点击,Next 点击“install”,安装完成后,打开sourcetree,点击“user an existing account”,如图 注意:1使用谷歌帐号登录即可,前提是你必须可以上谷歌才可以。 GOOGLE帐号登录完成之后,如图: 此处无需设置,直接点击“跳过初始设置”即可。 登录注册成功后,弹出设置puttykey的界面,点击“取消”即可。 点击“取消”按钮,弹...
在弹出的窗口中,选择要拉取的分支并点击“确定”。 7. 创建分支(git branch): 在SourceTree的主界面中,在左侧的分支列表中右键点击选择“新建分支”,然后输入新分支的名称并点击“创建”按钮。 8. 切换分支(git checkout): 在SourceTree的主界面中,选择要切换的分支,并双击该分支或选择该分支后点击工具栏上的“...
git checkout <branch_name>: 切换到指定分支。 git merge <branch_name>: 合并指定分支到当前分支。 远程操作: git remote: 列出远程仓库。 git remote add <name> <url>: 添加远程仓库。 git pull <remote> <branch>: 从远程仓库拉取更新。 git push <remote> <branch>: 推送本地分支到远程仓库。 撤...
– 创建和切换分支:使用`git branch`命令创建新分支,使用`git checkout`命令切换到不同的分支。 – 同步远程仓库:使用`git remote`命令添加和管理远程仓库,使用`git fetch`命令从远程仓库获取最新的更改,使用`git pull`命令将远程更改拉取到本地仓库,使用`git push`命令将本地更改推送到远程仓库。
$ git checkout -b feature-D origin/feature-D Switched to a new branch 'feature-D' branch 'feature-D' set up to track 'origin/feature-D'. 1. 2. 3. 4. b 参数的后面是本地仓库中新建分支的名称 &emps;&emps;&emps;&emps;为了便于理解,我们仍将其命名为 feature-D,让它与远程仓库的对应...
Have problems where Stash/Sourcetree insists on using ssh to check out a branch, and you have to go into stash and set https every time, (otherwise sourcetree throws up loads of ssh key error messages). beta version updater doesn’t work anymore (1,6.9 b2), invalid client configuration fi...
HEAD branch is behind master in SourceTree Somewhat new to source control and Sourcetree.I checked out a previous commit and it created a HEAD branch (that is not acting like a branch at all). I want to go back to only having one branch (ma... ...
I use a GIT GUI in my IDE for the super quick stuff like if I need to rebase from a commit I see in the log, or if I want to branch from another commit. But even that is pretty seldom. But in nearly all cases, I do commits, pushes, checkouts, etc from the CLI because it...
This allows you to updatemasterbranch from a different branch without having the checkout themasterbranch first. Normally, before submitting a pull request, we will update master (handy with this script) and rebase change on top of itgit rebase master. ...