在SourceTree中选择一个凭据助手(credential helper)通常涉及几个步骤。以下是详细的指南,帮助你完成这一过程: 1. 确定可用的凭据助手选项 SourceTree支持的凭据助手可能包括Git自带的凭据存储(如osxkeychain、wincred、store等),以及可能通过第三方插件或配置支持的其他选项。你需要根据你的操作系统和具体需求来确定可用的...
我最好的猜测是,这在某种程度上与Sourcetree最初发出的git命令中的-c credential.helper=sourcetree位有...
1、命令行进入项目目录,输入: git config --global credential.helper store 2、在source tree更新代码,提示输入密码,输入一次后以后就不需要输入了 如:cd /Users/wxq/project/crm git config --global credential.helper store
解决GitExtension每次拉取项目的时候,都需要输入密码|在项目的保存路径中的\.git—>config文件中添加 [credential] helper = store使用GitExtension生成SSH密钥 1.首先打开以下路径中的视图 2点击Generate,记得分别保存公钥和私钥,路径推荐放到用户目录中.ssh中。 3.注意:打开生成的公钥文件,最最后添加 ...
Unanswered Questions Unable to launch External Diff tool Could you add the theme choosing depending the OS ... How to Change Interface Language in SourceTree (Wi... User Settings after update and old regkey version ... How to export custom form data in Jira Service Man... FAQ...
使用git推送的时候报了个错误,网上查询说把本地提交了再推送,但是我本地没有任何文件需要提交了 git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false -c credential.helper=sourcetree push -v --tags origin refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master Pushing to https://gitee.com/vkooy/xxxxxx.git POST...
The problem stems from some change on side of the managed servers, I assume. It's quite annoying, because I can't manage my remotes anymore in the client. I think, it could be solved by deleting the known hosts of sourcetree. But how can I do that?Forms...
The problem sometimes is that SourceTree stores your password information in a file and does not update it. In Windows, go to C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Atlassian\SourceTree. Edit the "passwd" file and remove the line with the account that your trying to change the ...
I confirm this is now working in SourceTree 3.3.8. However, I didn't change my folder structure, I always had git.exe and wslgit.exe in a bin folder. So, the updated version of SourceTree must be compatible with WSLGit now. I also disabled the libgit2, and everything seems to be...