Wikipedia:The biggest and most successful of all the crowd-sourced sites, is essentially an encyclopedia written by random people on the Internet. Wikipedia essentially has articles about everything, so it's tempting to assume that this depth makes the site credible. Anyone, however,...
the percentage of water present in the food for more self-life. some of the methods include proper refrigeration, freezing, and dehydration. proteins proteins play a vital role in the functioning of a cell. it comprises of 50% of the dry weight of a living cell when considered as average....
vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fibres and water. q8 how are animals an important source of food? the food obtained from animals provides a variety of micronutrients that are difficult to obtain from plant sources. the food obtained by them is highly nutritious and rich in ...
which are dissolved in fat water-soluble – which are dissolved in water here is a table that illustrates the type of vitamins, sources, and diseases due to vitamin deficiency. name solubility food sources deficiency diseases vitamin a fat green leafy vegetables, ripe yellow fruits, guava, milk...
can be dissipated because of the formation of a hydrogen bond in the solid and liquid state. one of the typical examples is fatty acids. earlier members of carboxylic acids are soluble in water due to hydrogen bonding. higher members have less solubility due to the increasing hydrophobic ...