Traditional method of producing extreme UV light uses electrodes, which generate heat and produce unwanted debris – not suitable for production environments. Energetiq’s Electrodeless Z-Pinch™ EUV sources use a patented design that inductively couples the current into the plasma to generate ultra...
品牌 美国LightSources 产地 匈牙利 波长 254nm 进口属性 原装进口 寿命 12000h 管壁材质 石英材质 接头 G10q 光源类型 紫外线光源 品牌授权 官方授权证书 报关单 提供进口报关单 产地证明 提供原产地证明 可售卖地 北京;天津;河北;山西;内蒙古;辽宁;吉林;黑龙江;上海;江苏;浙江;安徽;福建;江西...
Energy:UV light has higher energy than visible light, making it effective for various applications, such as disinfection and photochemical reactions. Fluorescence induction:UV light can cause certain materials to fluoresce, emitting visible light when exposed to UV radiation. Types of ultraviolet light ...
Pair of UV light sources delivers high intensityEE Times
类型 紫外线杀菌灯 紫外线消毒灯 紫外线灯管 品牌 鑫冠宇 美国LIGHTSOURCES 莱邵思 美国WONDERLIGHT 美国LIGHT SOURCES 日立 德国WONDERLIGHT Lightbest 博森 美国GE UV LIGHT aqualight 莱劭思LightSources 莱邵斯LightSources Lightsoures 冠宇环保 更多 ...
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美国LightSources紫外线光源GHO843T5L/4P莱索思进口UV灯顺丰包邮 ¥ 315.00 商品描述 价格说明 联系我们 咨询底价 品牌: 美国LightSources 产地: 匈牙利 波长: 254nm 进口属性: 原装进口 寿命: 12000h 管壁材质: 石英材质 接头: G10q 光源类型: 紫外线光源 品牌授权: 官方授权证书 报关单: 提供...
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A serious UV test representing the service life needs to apply a much stronger UV-intensity in a comparable way. Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems performed an inter-laboratory comparison of UV-light sources in 13 accredited test labs and test centres of major PV module manufacturers....