Sources of land pollution Below are some sources of solid and semi-solid pollutants: Agricultural sources:These include waste matter produced by crops, animal manure, and farm residues. It also includes chemical leftover of all pesticides, fertilizers, and insecticides used for agricultural activities....
land based power plant 固定式动力装置 agricultural pollution sources 农业污染源 land pollution 土地污染,大地污染 be based on 以…为基础,以…为根据 相似单词 land based a. 以地面为基地的 based 【构词成分】 (构成形容词)表示"基地的","基础的","应用的"(如:shore-based aircraft岸基飞机,co...
网络释义 1. 陆地来源的污染 ... pollution controls 污染控制pollution from land-based sources陆地来源的污染;陆源污染 pollution incident 污染事故 ...|基于30个网页 2. 陆源污染 ... pollution controls 污染控制pollution from land-based sources陆地来源的污染;陆源污染pollution incident 污染...
1. 陆地来源的污染 land-based是什么意思... ... land-based prototype reactor 陆上模式反应堆 land-based sources of pollution 陆地来源的污染 ...|基于2个网页 例句 释义: 全部,陆地来源的污染 更多例句筛选 1. Meeting of Experts on the Degradation of the Marine Environment from La...
Land-based sources of pollution and environmental quality of the Ebrie lagoon waters. Marine Pollution Bulletin 30: 295-300. doi:10.1016/0025-326X(94)00245-5.Aka Marcel Kouassi,Nassere Kaba,Bernard Soro Métongo.  Land-based sources of pollution and environmental quality of the Ebrié ...
Ocean pollution occurs when potentially harmful or harmfulsources of pollution reach the water. These 1 (source) ofpollution can include residential(住宅的) waste, 2(industry)waste, agricultural waste, chemicals.. Most of the sources ofocean pollution originate 3 land. Many of the most harmful...
populationshavethebiggestproblemofdirtyair.Airpollutioniscausedbymanydifferentthings.Amajorsourceofairpollutionisthegasfumesfromcars.Statisticsshowthat93 percentofallautotripsarewithincities.Anothermajorsourceofdirtyareistheburningofcoalandoilforenergy.Thisenergyisneededtomakeelectricity.Ofcourse,muchmoreelectricityis...
17 (Xinhua) -- The State Oceanic Administration (SOA) on Wednesday disclosed the findings of a nationwide survey on land-based sources of marine pollution. A total of some 9,600 such sources, including about 740 rivers, 7,500 sewage outlets and 1,350 emergency flood outlets, were identified...
Evaluation of the Black Sea Land Based Sources of Pollution the Coastal Region of Turkey The Black Sea receives large quantities of unregulated and uncontrolled fresh water with drawl for irrigation purposes, hydro and thermal power generation ... L Bat,O Gkkurt,M Sezgin,... - 《Open Marine ...
"An investigation of sources of environmental pollution and its impact on groundwater quality in Mazandaran province, North of Iran", The shared Caspian Sea, as the largest land-locked water body on earth, is of high global environmental significance. The Caspian Sea is bordered by Russia... ...