yet knowledge on pollution by microbioplastics has not been summarized. Here, we review microbioplastics with focus on their formation from biodegradable plastics, their mobility, distribution, impact on soils and aquatic organisms, and their management by recycling, incineration, composting, anaerobic...
Ibadan, the capital city of Oyo state, southwest Nigeria has history of prevalent scarcity of pipe-borne water. It is continually growing both in human population and level of urbanization, which result in the sprawling of buildings in the outskirts. Ibadan is a major city in southwest part of...
3. Sources of uranium in groundwater 4. Uranium in the environment and its health effects 5. Regulatory limits of uranium in different countries 6. Uranium concentrations in groundwater in India 7. Uranium in groundwater in some areas around the world 8. Analytical techniques for the determinati...