DeltaofChina.SequentialGaussiansimulation(SGS)andmultivariatefactorialkriginganalysis(FKA) wereusedtoidentifyandexplorethesourcesofheavymetalpollutionforeightmetals(Cu,Zn,Pb,Cr,Ni, Cd,HgandAs).Localizedhot-spotsofpollutionwereidentifiedforCu,Zn,Pb,Cr,NiandCdwitharea ...
the spatial distribution pattern of heavy metals and risk assessment of moso bamboo forest soil around lead-zinc mine in southeastern china:重金属和毛竹林土壤铅-锌矿在中国东南部在风险评估的空间分布格局 热度: heavy metals inter-annual variability and distribution in the yangtze river estuary sediment,...
Monte Carlo simulation was used to assess the ecological risks of these heavy metals. It was found that the pollution of Cd was the most serious; the ecological risks in Daling River and Bohai Bay were significantly higher than those in estuary, Bohai Sea, and wetland, but overall, the ...
Heavy metals and metalloids in soils are derived from the soil parent material (lithogenic source) and various anthropogenic sources, most of which involve several metal(loid)s. There are many different anthropogenic sources of heavy metal(loid) contamin
An atmospheric chemical transport model was adapted to simulate the concentration and deposition of heavy metals (arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, nickel, selenium, vanadium, and zinc) in the United Kingdom. The model showed that wet deposition was the most important process for the tran...
We studied fate of Zn, Pb, and Cd and role of Fe oxides in a mining-impacted creek. • Mine waste pile runoff and mine drainage are both major sources of heavy metals. • Natural Fe oxide aggregates contain mine waste, organic matter, and other impurities. ...
Industrial activities have experienced rapid growth producing an increase in the volume and toxicity of residues. Among these residues, liquid effluents containing heavy metals are of special interest. Metals have a high degree of toxicity, which can be prejudicial even at low concentrations for both...
Cyclist exposure to black carbon, ultrafine particles and heavy metals: An experimental study along two commuting routes near Antwerp, Belgium. Environ. Res. 164, 530-538. [69] Islam, N., Rabha, S. Silva, L.F.O., Saikia, B. K. 2019....
Sources and levels of heavy metals (HMs) in soil and dust of urban and suburban areas in Riyadh (industrial city) and Mahad AD’Dahab (mining area) cities in Saudi Arabia were reported in this study. Additionally, the concentrations of HMs in different soil particle size fractions (> 250... Fong FT, Chee PS, Mahmood AA, Tahir NM (2008) Possible source and pattern distribution of heavy metals content in urban soil at Kuala Terengganu town center. Malays J Anal Sci 12(2):458–467 Google Scholar Ghrefat HA, Abu-Rukhan Y, ...