Heavy metals and metalloids in soils are derived from the soil parent material (lithogenic source) and various anthropogenic sources, most of which involve several metal(loid)s. There are many different anthropogenic sources of heavy metal(loid) contamination affecting both agricul...
4 mg·kg- 1respectively,all of them exceeded the corresponding background values in Shaanxi. The Environmental Quality Standard( GB15618-1995,Grade Ⅰ) was taken as a reference of soils,the over- limit ratios of heavy metals in the soil samples were 100% for Co,75% for Cr,19% for Cu,...
distribution characteristics of soil heavy metals and properties in different land use types; (2) evaluate the potential ecological risk of heavy metals in soils and their main driving factors based on the GeogDetector model; and (3) identify the sources of heavy metals in soils via the PMF ...
Alloway BJ (1995) Heavy metals in soils. Blaskie Academic and Professional, London Book Google Scholar Anonymous (1972) Soil map of Turkey. Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affair, General Directorate for Rural Service (In Turkish) Anonymous (2004) Agricultural master plan of...
Heavy metals and metalloids in soils are derived from the soil parent material (lithogenic source) and various anthropogenic sources, most of which involve several metal(loid)s. There are many different anthropogenic sources of heavy metal(loid) contamin
areasthatarepollutedbyheavy metals and possible heavy metal sources must be identified to develop pollution control policies, effective soil remediation and management recommendations. In soils, heavy metals mainly originate fromthe weathering of soil ...
Spatial variations,health risk assessment,and source apportionment of soil heavy metals in the middle Yellow River Basin of northern China The ecological and environmental problems in the Yellow River Basin of northern China have attracted widespread research attention.This study focused on th... F Li...
Pollution assessment and potential sources of heavy metals in agricultural soils around four Pb/Zn mines of Shaoguan city, China. Soil & Sediment Contam. 24 (1), 76e89. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/ 15320383.2014.914152.Zhou, M.; Liao, B.; Shu, W.; Yang, B.; Lan, C. Pollution ...
\; The soil metals mainly come from untreated sewage water irrigation, disposal of tailings or slurry from metal ore mining. Besides, metal dust deposition was one of the contributors as well in the vicinity of metal smelters or heavy industrial areas since a good exponential correlation ( R \...
(论文)太原市污灌区土壤重金属分布特征及风险评价 Distribution Characteristics and Risk Evaluation of Heavy Metals in Soil of Sewage Irrigation Area of Taiyuan City 热度: 青海东部地区土壤重金属污染评价 The evaluation of heavy metals pollution in soil of eastern Qinghai 热度: 汾河临汾段污灌区土壤...