Sources of Authority in Christian EthicsBadham, Paul
Recognized by scholars worldwide as one of the most important books in the field of moral theology, this book returns Christian ethics to its sources: the Gospel and the Holy Spirit. This book remains one of the most important and formidable works of moral theology of the 20th century. 作者...
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Atrhur Taylor VON MEHREN, Theory and Practice of Adjudicatory Authority in Private International Law: A Comparative Study of the Doctrine, Policies and Pra... The book that is the reviewed here is a result of the general course on private international law at the Hague Academy of International...
Together with her infrequent displays of bad temper, this was used to depict her as ignorant and a spoiled child who always got her own way. She was described as a solitary, naïve, and discredited girl who had been given an unreasonable amount of authority. In this sense, she was ...
Reporters Without Borders condemns the directive issued by the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority to Internet Service Providers instructing them to block access to 6 web pages on the grounds they a... New National Security Law in China suppresses media freedom: IFJ says 2015-07-06 International ...
Central Tokyo 1:10,000 Tokyo: Geospatial Information Authority of Japan, 2019Gerhart, Karen M. The Material Culture of Death in Medieval Japan Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press 2009Gerstle, C. Andrew, ed 18th Century Japan: Culture and Society Richmond, Surrey: Curzon Press 1989Gerstle...
Microbial food spoilage is responsible for a considerable amount of waste and can cause food-borne diseases in humans, particularly in immunocompromised individuals and children. Therefore, preventing microbial food spoilage is a major concern for health
It is obvious, therefore, that original Christian ethics must above all be considered a continuation of the finer side of Jewish ethics, a superstructure raised on the foundation supplied by the latter. Now, of what exactly did this foundation consist?N.K. Singh...