Font Information Source Sans Pro was designed by Paul D. Hunt as Adobe’s first open source typeface family, conceived primarily as a typeface for user interfaces. Source Sans Pro draws inspiration from the clarity and legibility of twentieth-century American gothic typeface designs. Distilling the...
Source San Pro-Schriftartenpaare Source Sans Pro ist die erste Open-Source-Schriftart von Adobe und wurde von Paul D. Hunt entworfen. Sie passt gut zu Montserrat, Alegreya, Lora und Ubuntu.Diese Datei abrufen Source Sans Pro + Montserrat Schriftartenpaar herunterladen Source Sans Pro + Alegreya...
Source Sans Pro Extra Light Italic字体在线预览 前往字体下载页面 IBM Plex San 獅尾詠腿黑體JP-Bla Klee One Sem HONOR Sans 獅尾螺帽腿黑SC-Bol 斗鱼追光体2.0 YOzNXM Pro B 獅尾B2腿黑體-Ligh 点点像素体-圆形 獅尾腿圓-Demi-Li 獅尾彎黑體SC-Thin 寒蝉团圆圆Compact 字体大小: 40px ...
Mr Eaves San OT Thin 新增字體 Champagne Sorbet FreightSansHCndPro Hairline 新增字體 Champagne Sorbet 使用方式 根據使用位置的不同,此字體的名稱可能會略有變化。請查看如何辨識。 桌面版 在應用程式字體選單中,此字體將顯示: Source Serif 4 Display ExtraLight 網頁 若要在您的網站上使用此字體...
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Sansumoku: A 2-player board game. A mash-up of Sudoku and Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe App Store Screenshot 1 2020 swift ☆13 SHMUP: 3D multiplatform game written primarily in C App Store Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Scre...
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