You may have been using R Studio for years without realizing what all of those buttons do. This graphic and corresponding annotations will walk you through how everything works.a. Show in New Window- This allows you to pop the source pane into a new wi..
RStudio kept crashing whenever I was using reticulate, especially reticulate::py_config(). When I reinstalled reticulate from cran (e.g. install.packages('reticulate')) however, running reticulate::py_config() worked normally without RSt...
rstudio_consol_bug.zip Note, looking at log files, I'm seeing a lot of "WARNING Unable to retrieve user home path"; I had changed the username folder on my account from <C:\Users\firstname lastname/> to <C:\Users\firstnamelastname/> (removed space), which may or may not be rel...
This post is part of a series on new features in RStudio 1.4, currently available as a preview release. RStudio v1.4 introduces the capability to configure your workbench with multiple source columns. Multiple source columns give you the ability to vie..
The widespread application of OSS makes sense; open source not only helps companies save on licensing costs, but also allows them to leverage the collective knowledge of the open-source community to create customized solutions to meet their specific business needs. As a result, open source has...
service to deploy R Code, we provide now an AddIns for RStudio to allow RStudio developers to create their code from this IDE and deploy it on Vanilla Air (as a comparison, we took years ago the same approach with BIRT, when we released a Birt plugin in to deploy on Vanilla Bi ...
I have to develop one android application.Here i have to set the position here: After that i have to get the position and display the list of images depends upon these position. Here i have to save th... Need help making dependent dropdown boxes in the RStudio package Shiny ...