In countries of Romano-Germanic system of law, jurisprudence designates the ensemble of legal rules emitted by judges or the ensemble of solutions pronounced by the tribunals in a certain branch of law. She often constitutes a source of law even in countries of positive law, as we'll ...
BRIEF CONSIDERATIONS ON THE HISTORICAL EVOLUTION OF JURISPRUDENCE AS SOURCE OF LAWThe legal practice, also known as the jurisprudence (Lat. jurisprudentia) represents all decisions ruled by all the courts. It is the science of the law2 or, in other words, the knowledge of the divine and human...
The word "law" resonates richly in the language and mythology ofwestern civilization. H.L.A. Hart began his great work, The Concept ofLaw, with an inquiry into the persistence of the question "what is law?"in our jurisprudence. He argued... RM Cover - 《Cap.u.l.rev》 被引量: 38...
Any branch of law, private or public, has a system of sources of law, which is somewhat standard. This system became "set in stone" for many law systems around the world, starting with Constituion, legal acts of goverment and ending with brief overview of legal traditions in some branches...
Post-secular jurisprudence: A visual semiotics of the sacred source of law’s authority was published in Mediation and Immediacy on page 263.
第5课 source of law 法律英语 法律英语 Source of Law Judicial Process According to the description of Cardozo on Judicial Process, The Nature of the Judicial Process was written by Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, and New York Court of Appeals Chief Justice Benjamin N. ...
Although "source of law" as a fundamental concept in the field of jurisprudence,it has never an accurate positioning.From the perspective of the development history of this concept,the ambiguity had a long history in western academic circles which gave a direct impact on the Chinese understanding...
Hart’s jurisprudence. Indeed, the book’s analysis of the concept of a source of law relies at various points on Hartian insights about law and legal reasoning. Chapter 4 argues that legal scholarship – or, more precisely, a particular type of legal scholarship that might be described as ...
在学术领域,法学专业常被表述为'Jurisprudence'或'Legal Studies',这两个词汇更侧重于法学理论的探讨和研究。而在教育领域,除了前文提到的'Law major'和'Speciality of Law'外,还可能使用'Law Degree Program'或'Law Course'来描述法学专业的学习计划和课程设置。此外,在职业领域,法学专...