1. A person or thing from which something comes into being or is derived or obtained: alternative sources of energy; the source of funding for the project. 2. The point of origin of a stream or river. See Synonyms at origin. 3. One, such as a person or document, that supplies inform...
generally a minor source of revenue. legco.gov.hk 公立及私立資助 學校或會接受家長、教會或商業機構的捐款,但這方面並非主 要的 收入來源。 legco.gov.hk [...] of reserve as buffer, research work must start early to identify a more stable source of revenue in the medium/long term. legco...
Sound is made up of pressure waves in tire air. If two sound waves of the same frequency mix so that the highest point of one wave happens at the same time as the lowest point of the other wave, the result is no sound. Therefore, by producing a perfect copy of the noise and ...
Definition:pureincomearisingfromcentralbusinessactivities ChieflyTwoTests:1、PermanentEstablishment:China 2、PlaceofTransactionorTradeorSigningcontracts:UK;USA InternationalTax 3 WhatisPE?Basedon“substance(物)”or“person(人)”InternationalTax 4 TwoModelTreaties’rules 首先,物的因素主要是指固定营业场所。如...
The third source of vigilance is the possibility of suffering political setbacks. legco.gov.hk 第三種危機感,便 是在政治上會受到挫折。 legco.gov.hk A third source of income for the MOH is the revolving funds. daccess-ods.un.org 卫生 部第三个收入来源是循环基金。 daccess-ods.un....
Yes, I invest in stocks, real estate, or other financial instruments.53% Yes, I run a side business or have a part-time job.17% No, I don't have a second source of income.14% Prefer not to disclose3% Yes, I do moonlighting!!
income is about RMB 70000 meanwhile she also enjoyhousing funds pension and other welfares.All of money prepared for Chen Yu is discretionary funds from our privateaccount.Our job is stable and we enjoy pension and medical insurance coupled withour twenty year’s capital accumulation we have an...
There are different policies that a firm can adapt to finance its activities. To start with there is the aggressive policy where firm concentrate short term sources of finances while in conservative policy a firm concentrates on the longterm sources of funds....
represent an affordable source of animal protein that may not only be cheaper than other animal protein sources, but preferred and part of local and traditional recipes. fao.org 对他们来说,鱼和 渔业产品往往代表着能负担起的动物蛋 白来源,不仅比其他来源的动物 蛋白便宜,还因为喜好以及是当地和传统...
term so as to address the concerns of members of the public. legco.gov.hk 部分委員認為,大亞灣應變計劃應由以 "S3"源項 改為以"S1"源項為依據 ,以釋除市民的疑慮。 legco.gov.hk [...] development as they are a primary source of food and income and also provide for protection from storm...