针对你提出的问题 'source' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file,我将按照提供的tips进行回答: 确认'source'命令的使用环境: 'source' 命令是一个shell内置命令,通常用于Unix-like系统(如Linux和macOS)的shell环境(如bash、zsh等)中。它用于在当前shell会话中...
之前在安装Angular环境的时候有个问题,就是通过命令成功安装了angular cli脚手架工具,但是在终端(win+r...
The SourceSet ‘instrumentTest’ is not recognized by the Android Gradle Plugin. Perhaps you misspelled something? 在androidstudio 升级3.2的过程中遇到这个问题, 解决办法 instrumentTest 已经废弃 , 在build.gradle文件中找到instrumentTest , 也可能是在moudle中的build.gradle文件中 改为 androidTest 重新编译即可...
问题描述The SourceSet‘instrumentTest’ is not recognized by the Android Gradle Plugin. Perhaps you misspelled something? AndroidStudio升级到4.0.1后编译报错:The SourceSet‘instrumentTest The SourceSet 'instrumentTest' is not recognized by the Android Gradle Plugin. 刚买的笔记本编译之前的项目时 报了一...
The SourceSet ‘instrumentTest’ is not recognized by the Android Gradle Plugin.,原因是这里出问题了 instrumentTest.setRoot(‘tests’) ,你可能在升级AndroidStudio时更新了项目的gradle配置,这里的配置中instrumentTest已被弃用,不适用于现在的gradle
-Dorg.gradle.model=true is now the default. This allows references to other model, but the model being referred to must be in a separate block. The equal sign '=' is no longer required for most properties. 参考答案链接:lintOptions not being recognized by Gradle ©...
The SourceSet ‘instrumentTest’ is not recognized by the Android Gradle Plugin. Perhaps you misspelled something? 在android studio 升级3.2的过程中遇到这个问题, 解决办法 instrumentTest 已经废弃 , 在build.gradle文件中找到instrumentTest , 也可能是在moudle中的build.gradle文件中 ...
AS升级3.2.0 编译报错:The SourceSet 'instrumentTest' is not recognized by the Android Gradle Plugin. 解决方法:将 instrumentTest.setRoot(‘tests’) 转为 androi
The SourceSet ‘instrumentTest’ is not recognized by the Android Gradle Plugin. Perhaps you misspelled something? 在android studio 升级3.2的过程中遇到这个问题, 解决办法 instrumentTest 已经废弃 , 在build.gradle文件中找到instrumentTest , 也可能是在moudle中的build.gradle文件中 ...
异常图片 原因: 这里出问题了instrumentTest.setRoot(‘tests’),你可能在升级Android Studio时更新了项目的gradle配置,这里的配置中instrumentTest已被弃用,不适用于现在的gradle版本。如下图所示: 原因 解决办法: 用androidTest替换instrumentTest,编译运行。