install/setup.bash文件的通常用途: install/setup.bash这个文件名暗示了它通常用于安装或设置某些软件或环境的脚本。这种脚本文件通常包含一系列的设置命令,如安装依赖、配置环境变量、创建必要的目录结构等。具体的内容取决于该脚本被设计用于哪种软件或环境的安装和配置。 source install/setup.bash整体命令的执行意义:...
If curl is not installed, you can install it using the following command:apt-get install -y curlDownload the setup script: curl -fsSL -o Run the setup script with sudo: bash Install Node.js: apt-get ...
linux中的source etc/profile 背景在生产环境使用arths heapdump 文件的时候,出现在root权限下使用 java -jar arthas-boot.jar [外链图片转存失败...source命令(从 C Shell 而来)是bash shell的内置命令。点命令,就是个点符号,(从Bourne Shell而来)是source的另一名称。...同样的,当前脚本中配置的变量也将作为...
Source code pro can be install with brew. saves a lot of time: Homebrew (macOS) brew tap caskroom/fonts && brew cask install font-source-code-pro agam, AcVoyager, janoskk, karlhepler, BluePat, Beasta, mmgrt, pfaffn, SeanFelipe, elmehal...
at Microsoft.Exchange.Setup.Common.SetupEventLog.LogEvent(Int64 eventId, Int32 categoryId, EventLogEntryType type, Object[] messageArgs) at Microsoft.Exchange.Setup.Common.ConfigurationDataHandler.OnSaveData() at M...
find: “frameworks/base/docs/html-ndk”: 没有那个文件或目录 --- ++++++++++++++++++++ need java-1.7.0-openjdk, not java-1.8.0-openjdk ++++++++++++++++++++ java -version [root@localhost gem5-stable]# ls /usr/lib/jvm/ java java-openjdk jre-1.8...
install-fonts-in-centos/ 起因 最近在用latex写论文,但是发现很多字体自己没有,只能手动安装...下载字体文件的方式 从windows系统copy MS下字体的存放路径为C:\Windows\Fonts 从字体网站下载 我下载字体用的网站 安装字体的两种方式 直接安装 在文件管理器中打开字体文件,可以看到右上方有...install按钮,点击即可...
Setup Step: InstallOracle GoldenGateon Source and Target Systems Download and installOracle GoldenGatesoftware first on the source and then on the target machines. The software is available from Oracle Technology Network. See theOracle GoldenGateInstallation and Setup guides for your platform and data...
下载 安装步骤 点击 setup.exe 程序 一直点到底即可安装。 把sourceinsight4.exe 替换到你安装的目录 点击sourceinsight4.exe 4.选择第三个选项,让你加载一个文件,这个时候把我们从网盘上下载的第三个文件 si4... ...
I expect thatsource devel/setup.bashwould setup the packages for development, despiteinstall: true. Is this the wrong expectation? Workaround Create a second profile that doesinstall: true, separate from the default profile with install = false. I also put all the spaces into a subfolder so ...