使用source方式运行script时, 就是让script在当前process内执行, 而不是产生一个child process来执行。由于所有执行结果均于当前process内完成,若script的环境有所改变, 当然也会改变当前process环境了。 使用exec方式运行script时, 它和source一样,也是让script在当前process内执行,但是process内的原代码剩下部分将被终止。
source命令(从 C Shell 而来)是bash shell的内置命令。 点命令,就是个点符号,(从Bourne Shell而来)。 source的程序主体是bash,脚本中的$0变量的值是bash,而且由于作用于当前bash环境,脚本中set的变量将直接起效 2、 sh, bash的命令用法: sh/bash FileName 作用:打开一个子shell来读取并执行FileName中命令。该...
Trying to do a "remote sourcing" to set some variables locally (in a bash script) from a remote server. The remote server generate, every 30 minutes, a little bash script which only contains vars. From workstation, need to source this file to gets all data from all vars. But the foll...
This information can be used in combination with the dirname command to retrieve the source directory of the script, as we will see in the next section. Using the dirname Command The dirname command in Bash is used to extract the directory portion of a file path. It takes a file path as...
Korn Shell script files (.ksh) Kotlin source files (.kt,.kts) LESS stylesheet (.less) Lilypond files (.ly,.ily) Lisp source files (.lisp,.lsp,.asd,.el) Logos source files (.xm) Lua source files (.lua) Makefile files (.mk,.mak) ...
source命令是bash中的内建命令,它等同于点命令(.),用于读取和在当前shell环境中执行指定文件中的命令,执行完毕之后退出码为该文件中 的最后一个命令的退出码(Read and execute commands from filename in the current shell environment and return the exit status of the last command executed from filename.)。
curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_23.x -o nodesource_setup.sh Run the setup script with sudo: bash nodesource_setup.sh Install Node.js: apt-get install -y nodejs Verify the installation: node -vNode.js v22.x:Using Ubuntu (Node.js 22)Before you begin, ensure that curl ...
/bin/bash # --- # ScriptName: mysql_install.sh # Author: wenhui.Cheng # Description: 一键部署MySQL # Version: v1.3 # Date: 2022-07-24 # --- echo " ┌─────────────────────────────────
As you are facing an issue with source setvars.sh in bashrc file, could you please try using the Modulefiles? Modulefiles are an alternative to using the setvars.sh script to initialize the one API environment. For more details you can refer to "Getting Started with the modu...
Redirection and pipelines are two other important concepts in Bash. Redirection allows you to control the input and output of a command, while pipelines allow you to chain multiple commands together. For example, you can use the “>” symbol toredirectthe output of a command to a file, and...