This is the Python Source Extractor (PySE) for extraction and measurement of sources in radio astronomical images, or, more generally, images from aperture synthesis. This means that PySE has been tested thoroughly on images with correlated noise. PySE was primarily designed for the LOFAR Transie...
The license for all parts of the code derived from Source Extractor is LGPLv3. The license for code derived from photutils (src/overlap.h) is BSD 3-clause. Finally, the license for the Python wrapper (sep.pyx) is MIT. The license for the library as a whole is therefore LGPLv3. The ...
PyRadiomics can be easily used in a Python script through thefeatureextractormodule. Furthermore, PyRadiomics provides a commandline script,pyradiomics, for both single image extraction and batchprocessing. Finally, a convenient front-end interface is provided as the 'Radiomics' extension for 3D Slicer...
Python 复制 enable_additional_properties_sending() -> Nonefrom_dict Parse a dict using given key extractor return a model. By default consider key extractors (rest_key_case_insensitive_extractor, attribute_key_case_insensitive_extractor and last_rest_key_case_insensitive_extractor) Python 复制 ...
timestampExtractor: 时间戳提取器,从记录中提取时间戳。如从记录中某个Long类型的字段中转换出时间戳。 watermarkStrategy: 水印生成器。 注意: getRowtimeAttributeDescriptors()虽然返回一个列表,但目前单个TableSource中仅支持一个rowtime字段。 内置时间戳提取器:ExistingField、StreamRecordTimestamp。
.assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(new CustomWatermarkExtractor())); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Flink 目前支持如下图里面常见的 Source: 如果你想自己自定义自己的 Source 呢? 那么你就需要去了解一下 SourceFunction 接口了,它是所有 stream source 的根接口,它继承自一个标记接口(空接口)Function。
下面是我制作播放列表的方法: mediaSources = new MediaSource[radioList_2.size(mediaSource = new ExtractorMediaSource(Uri.parse(strUrl), concatenatingMediaSour 浏览0提问于2018-10-03得票数 1 2回答 带有qt python的视频播放器(使用python) 、、、 self.player,SIGNAL("finished()"),self.player.deleteLat...
Similar to SIFT, SURF is another general purpose key-point extractor and descriptor proposed by Bay et al. [5]. SURF is designed to be faster than SIFT while maintaining the robustness and description properties of SIFT. Our framework includes an OpenSURF [7] based vein feature extractor implem...
piex 3/13/2018 The Preview Image Extractor (PIEX) is designed to find and extract the largest pixman 0.34.0-3 Pixman is a low-level software library for pixel manipulation providing featu… plib 1.8.5-2 A suite of portable game libraries plibsys 0.0.4-1 Highly portable C system ...