High-Performance Computing Cluster, or HPCC, is the competitor of Hadoop in the big data market. It is one of the open-source big data tools under the Apache 2.0 license. Developed byLexisNexis Risk Solution, its public release was announced in 2011. It delivers on a single platform, a si...
Please see Getting Started for an introduction to the individual tools.Running on CIA basic ORT pipeline (using the analyzer, scanner and reporter) can easily be run on Jenkins CI by using the Jenkinsfile in a (declarative) pipeline job. Please see the Jenkinsfile itself for documentation of...
In this article, we present seven open source tools that you can use right now to improve the deployment process on projects big or small. These tools are among the best and most-used tools in their areas; they attract developers who have created a large body of knowledge, plugins, and c...
The first instinct of many early stage companies or budget strapped data teams is to turn to open source data lineage tools. While there are several affordable tools that we evaluate and compare below, what you will see is that their implementation and maintenance is anything but “elementary.”...
<a href="https://www.statista.com/chart/25795/active-github-contributors-by-employer/" title="Infographic: How Big Tech Contributes to Open Source | Statista"><img src="https://cdn.statcdn.com/Infographic/images/normal/25795.jpeg" alt="Infographic: How Big Tech Contributes to Open Source ...
Data Integration uses the channels that are provided by MaxCompute to upload and download data. You can select a channel based on your business requirements. For more information about the types of channels that are provided by MaxCompute, seeData upload scenarios and tools. ...
Data -- What evidence will this draw on? Assumptions -- What evidence does not exist? What assumptions are necessary or agreed upon? Methods / "How" -- Overview methods expected to be used. Analysis, with what tools? Experimentation, with what methodology?
Amazon EMR Serverless is a serverless option inAmazon EMRthat makes it easy for data analysts and engineers to run open-source big data analytics frameworks without configuring, managing, and scaling clusters or servers. You get all the features and benefits of Amazon EMR without the need for ex...
Charmed Spark is an easy-to-deploy solution for Apache Spark on Kubernetes that makes the rollout of big data platforms painless. It can run on the cloud and in the data centre, and includes a supported distribution of Apache Spark. With Charmed Spark, organisations will get up to 10 years...
TDengine is an open-sourced big data platform underGNU AGPL v3.0, designed and optimized for the Internet of Things (IoT), Connected Cars, Industrial IoT, and IT Infrastructure and Application Monitoring. Besides the 10x faster time-series database, it provides caching, stream computing, message...