Soup and Sandwich a Cheap Meal to Take Bite Out of Tax DaySue Engelhart & Associates
This simple and delish soup. The most important element is a turkey carcass, so keep yours after the big day. Don't worry if it isn't picked clean—just slice off as much turkey as you can (and use that to make an epicThanksgiving Sandwich)—and let the rest simmer with the soup....
If you still have some mushrooms left, make Risotto and add mushrooms, or caramelize them with onions and make a simple chicken cheesesteak sandwich! To make this a Chinese CHICKEN soup recipe, add 1 to 2 cups of cooked shredded chicken when the noodles and veggies are almost cooked so ...
While macaroni boils, start the sauce: melt the butter on med-low heat (approx 2 min). Chop the chilies into tiny pieces and throw into the butter. Salt and pepper as needed and thoroughly stir in the flour (approx 1 min). Throw in the green onions and cheese, and cook until it al...
Del Pietro's burger was a deli- cious sandwich with Gorgon- zola, arugula and meat on fresh ciabatta bread. However, with this dish came a serious prob- lem: too much salt. Over-salting was also a major problem for the pollo con gnocchi, served with asparagus. The chicken was cooked ...
The sandwich shop around the corner from where I work in Los Gatos makes excellent Pho. Reply Alta (TastyEats) on 5/5/09 at 11:31 am Love love love this idea! I don’t use my slow cooker often enough! But now, I will! I love me some pho. I do love the pic of the cow ...
French fry tacos got me thinking of a yummy sandwich in France – Le Belge…a baguette with fries in it! Brilliant if you ask me. It was cheap & my college metabolism could handle it. :) Reply Amy says: August 29, 2012 at 6:56 pm haha! I was in southern France (Aix en Proven...
I’ve tried it out in a salmon sandwich and it was ok. The avocado flavor did not overwhelm the tomato and onion flavored salmon. Next time I’m going to try Macadamia oil. jules says: 3 September, 2016 at 6:47 pm Thx for sharing Gina I’m not a huge fan of avocado oil for...