While a robust mode, it only has 5 bits (as did its predecessor RTTY) and can not transfer extended ASCII or any binary data. With a set operating rate of 100 baud, it does not effectively compete with the speed and error correction of more modern ARQ modes. The non-ARQ version of ...
At its peak it was one of the wealthiest and most progressive empires in the world, and extended from Kabul in present-day Afghanistan, to the borders of the Deccan sultanates in the south of the subcontinent, and from Gujarat in the west to present-day Bangladesh in the east. Photo (c...
By way of brief background, the heart circulates blood through a known sequence of cardiac chamber contractions, relaxations, and valve manipulations. The heart makes certain sounds as it progresses through a cardiac cycle, which are caused by the circulation of the blood and the opening and clo...