2024年最后一天啦,听听欢快的歌准备迎接新年喽歌曲:【and it sounds like (ice cream)】歌手:【Forrest Nolan】歌曲来源:https://music.163.com/song?id=1890148761&userid=1874013392 封面来源(pixiv):T山 *封面、歌曲仅作分享,请支持原版 *(如有侵权,告知会立即删除) 展开更多...
瑞文问答 2024-10-12 sounds 是系动词,后面加形容词作表语。sounds like后面加名词时,意为听起来像是某物;可以加形容词,听起来(悦耳之类的),还可以加从句。扩展资料例句: It sounds like an AI problem, right? 听起来像是人工智能的问题,对吧? Is this what a spaceship sounds like? 这就是宇宙飞船的...
Sounds Like You: Directed by Stern Apperloo. With Iris Jean, Faye Robert, Vronie van der Molen.
Sounds Like A Great Project!: Regia di Mr. Valents. Con Karen Barredo, Emma Cavell, Monika Chasi, Guglielmo Maria D'Avino. An aspiring filmmaker downloads an AI app that promises to create films instantly, but quickly realizes that the AI's imagination i
Réponses IMDb : Aidez à combler les lacunes dans nos données En savoir plus sur la contribution Modifier la page Liste Staff Picks: What to Watch in January See our picks Liste IMDb's 2025 TV Guide See the guide Récemment consultés ...
Here, in two pre-registered experiments, we test the prediction that listeners can accurately deduce production contexts (e.g. being tickled, discovering threat) from spontaneous nonverbal vocalisations, like sighs and grunts. In Experiment 1, listeners (total n =3120) matched 200 nonverbal ...
I bought two PH-1's, one to replace an iPhone. It seems that there is a great desire for the PH-1 replacing the iPhone for it to somehow SOUND like an iPhone for messages, mail, phone calls etc. Is there a sound package somewhere that can be safely side loaded? Thanks!
Hi this is my first thread its not much but i want to share it with you i made new sounds based on "GO Keyboard instrument Sounds_2.0.7.apk" Sounds added : "Guns" for shooting lovers like me:cowboy: "Hits" punches and screams "Swords" *slash*slash* link ... mr.wrwr Thread Nov...
It sounds like you do hours of work on a single layer, the one you were able to copy and paste to another document, instead of preserving most of what you do by using multiple layers, smart objects, adjustment layers, paths, et cetera. Or at least you did way ...
When making a call with my iPhone 11 it sounds like I am on a party line. Sound is distorted and sometimes I can hear my own voice coming out over the speaker. does anyone else have this problem or have a solution. thanks.