prepare - lead up to and soften by sounding the dissonant note in it as a consonant note in the preceding chord; "prepare the discord in bar 139" gong - sound a gong ting - cause to make a ting strum, thrum - sound the strings of (a string instrument); "strum a guitar" knell, ...
Version 2.0.2 Download: Manual 1 items Last updated 27 October 20164:44PM Original upload 05 June 201412:08AM Created by lazygecko Uploaded by lazyskeever Virus scan Some files not scanned Companion/Follower Friendly Compilation Lore-Friendly ...
Here are the reasons why we recommend you use VoiceMod Chipmunk voice changer:Allows you to create your sound and add it to the soundboard. Great for gamers and online content creators because of its real-time modulation. Compatible with platforms like Zoom, Skype, Discord, and more. Won’t...
switch from idle to running states. speed is the variable used, with this open in the inspector and playing the value goes from 0 - 5 The animation in use is running Details: 0.0 - 12.0 @ 30fps Question: How would you setup an FSM to play a single footstep sound for when each foot...
prepare - lead up to and soften by sounding the dissonant note in it as a consonant note in the preceding chord; "prepare the discord in bar 139" gong - sound a gong ting - cause to make a ting strum, thrum - sound the strings of (a string instrument); "strum a guitar" knell, ...
clip-clop, clippety-clop, clop, clopping, clumping, clunking - the sound of a horse's hoofs hitting on a hard surface cry - the characteristic utterance of an animal; "animal cries filled the night" ding - a ringing sound drip, dripping - the sound of a liquid falling drop by drop;...