Vinyl Noise Barriers are used in homes, businesses, and many other places to help block sound transmissions… Acoustigreen Sustainably Produced Acoustical Wood Panels for Ceilings and Walls… Fire Retardants Inc. Fire retardant paint, varnish, coatings and solutions for fabric, wood, metal, and many...
Neighbours heard through the walls or ceilings of condos, townhouses… Outside traffic Shared walls in semi-detached homes Pets Loud music or sound from loud televisions Loud mechanical noises from A/C units, boilers, etc Read More Our Soundproofing Partners ...
As you’ll find in the information below on how to soundproof rooms, walls, and more, extra-thick layers of drywall, special acoustic “green glue,” and mass-loaded vinyl (MLV) are among the best materials for stopping the movement of noise through walls, ceilings, and floors. The princi...
Panels for use in building construction (partitions, walls, ceilings, floors or doors) which exhibit improved acoustical sound proofing in multiple specific frequency ranges compris