ofsoundmind b :free from flaw, defect, or decay soundtimber 2 a :solid,firm soundconstruction b :stable asoundeconomy also:secure,reliable soundinvestments 3 a :free from error, fallacy, or misapprehension soundadvice soundreasoning b
a sound mind in a sound body free from imperfection or rot solid entry 1 sense 4, firm a building of sound construction not faulty : valid, right a sound argument thorough sense 1 a sound revenge not disturbed a sound sleep severe sense 3 a sound beating showing good judgment or sense ...
Definition of Soundness in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is Soundness? Meaning of Soundness as a legal term. What does Soundness mean in law?
"solidity, firmness," from sound (adj.) + -ness. Of the mind, etc. by 1540s. See origin and meaning of soundness.
The reader should keep in mind that when this proof was begun, the only guide available was the rough proof outline in DE97b], and this was based on a formulation of the problem that was subsequently found to be awed. Thus the process is very much one of proof discovery rather than ...
In general, Frege speaks of concepts without specifying their level, but what he obviously has in mind are first-level concepts; cf., for example,GGA II, §143. In the course of criticizing the creative definitions of Otto Stolz inGGA II, §144, Frege observes in this sense: “Moreover,...