The Sound Transit 3 (ST3) program will add 62 miles of new light rail to the Seattle-Tacoma area, completing a 116-mile system by 2041. Two key projects will connect the neighborhoods of West Seattle to Downtown Seattle by 2030, and Ballard to Downtown Seattle by 2035. These projects ...
Then turn the trains from Tacoma at the improved Northgate tail track for a total transit time between TDS and Northgate within two minutes of that between TDS and Ballard. As money savers don’t do West Seattle; instead, turn the Everett trains using the turnback loop at Forest Street an...
Sound Transit,全程Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority(普吉特湾中部地区公共交通署),是服务美国华盛顿州西雅图都会区的公共交通运营管理机构,负责建设和运营金郡(King County)、斯诺霍米什郡(Snohomish County)和皮尔斯郡(Pierce County)三郡范围内的轨道交通、通勤火车、城际快速公交和城际BRT系统 。