Light rail is on track to reach Lynnwood, Federal Way and downtown Redmond in 2024, Sound Transit officials said in a press release.The 2019 budget includes $2 billion for the Lynwood Link light-rail, extension $86.2 million for Regional Express bus service and $37.4 million for the Sounder...
Bartley, Nancy
Sound Transit CEO Peter Rogoff said: “East Link’s opening in 2023 will be preceded in 2021 by Northgate Link and in 2022 by the Tacoma Link Hilltop Extension. One year later, in 2024, we will extend Link to downtown Redmond, Lynnwood and Federal Way. “These historic investments will f...
130th should open with Lynnwood Link of course. ST can’t just “borrow a bit more” for 130th. The whole reason we’re having this debate is ST will be constrained by its debt ceiling for a few years. Accelerating 130th in the scenarios that have it last would require postponing some...