1,Sound/Symbol Book 2,Decodable Book 3,Read Aloud 4,Nursery Rhymes 其中Sound/Symbol Book就有58本绘本,覆盖了所有英语发音的介绍。每本绘本都包含了相应发音的单词和图片,便于孩子用图片把发音,单词和含义关联起来。 所以孩子在读这本绘本时,应该把其中的所有单词都做Work Attack练习,同时还可以把孩子熟悉或者...
sound/symbol book 声音/符号书 --- 希望能够帮到您!满意请采纳,谢谢~
【Sound/Symbol Book】 【Decodable Book】 如果孩子无法独立完成朗读,或者不够流利,那么应该重新复习之前相应的发音学习和训练,直至能流利阅读本书,再进入下一个单元的拼读学习。 亲子互动 录完音后,家长可以和孩子继续音素感知的训练游戏。 1,识别出 /g/ 开头的发音 gift, game, tip, good, pencil, ghost 家...
Serena英语创作的外语有声书作品Sound/Symbol Book,目前已更新2个声音,收听最新音频章节Sound/Symbol Qu。
SOUND/SYMBOL BOOK 1.2万 下载订阅分享 声音(59)评价(0) 正序 | 倒序 59 KW-7194 1712019-09 58 KW-7245 1682019-09 57 KW-7196 2162019-09 56 KW-7197 1052019-09 55 KW-7198 1432019-09 54 KW-7199 4202019-09 53 KW-7249 2612019-09 52 KW-7248 1442019-09 51 KW-7247 1202019-09 50 KW-...
the state or condition of a letter, word, or symbol having the same sound as another but a different meaning, regardless of sameness or difference in spelling, as choirlquire. — homophonic, homophonous, adj. kaleidophon, kaleidophone ...
书名: Sound and Symbol 作者: Victor Zuckerkandi 副标题: Music and the External World (Bollingen Series (General)) 页数: 416 出版社: Princeton University Press 出版年: 1969-12-19 第376页 高中时写过一篇小说,讨论艺术的目的究竟为何。结论是艺术并不在于——至少不完全在于——创造美,更在于...
This book demonstrates how musical activities can support the development of literacy skills for young children aged from birth to 8 years. The relationship between music and literacy is investigated, and through a wealth of ideas and resources, guidance is given on how to use music as a ...
This is one of the words used extensively and with confidence in many different disciplines, but with no clear idea of what a 'symbol' is. Often there is total contradiction between the use of 'symbol' by different authors. So, Peterfalvi (1970), author of perhaps the best book in ...
of action knowledge for abstract sound symbolism, which may have been key to human symbol-manipulation ability. Introduction Methods Subjects Twenty-four right-handed adults (20 females, age M = 25.04, SD = 3.47) participated in the study. The subjects were native speakers of different languages...