Sound of Text creates MP3 audio files from text and allows you to download them or play them in the browser — using thetext to speechengine fromGoogle Translate. Originally, Sound of Text was just for myself so that I could attach sound to my flashcards inAnki. Now, thousands of people...
Sound of Text 文本转成语音工具 Sound of Text是一款在线的文字转语音工具,它能够把文字转化成语音,支持多种语言 软件的使用也非常的方便 首先输入想要转化的文字,然后选择对应的语言,点击提交即可 稍等一下语言就会生成了,你可以直接在线播放, 或者下载到本地 如无特殊说明,本站文章皆为原创,未经许可请勿转载至...
本文要介绍「Sound of Text」是一款相当有意思的线上工具,它能将使用者输入的文字转为使用Google翻译小姐的声音,开放让使用者免费下载Mp3格式,Sound of Text服务背后使用的技术就是Google翻译的语音合成(Text-to-speech,简称TTS)引擎,虽然念起来好像有点机器感,不过如果临时需要一些旁白声音就不用费心录音。 大家都知...
Turn a stream of text into sound, using the overtone series Letter A = root note B = first overtone, double the frequency, one octave above C = triple the frequency, an octave plus a fifth above the root D = x4 frequency, two octaves up E = x5, two octaves plus a third etc. Hig...
Information in the form of sound, text and/or images are sent by mobile phone or the internet to a message centre, where the information is printed as a letter or postcard for posting to the desired address. A phone number with an access code can be printed on the letter or postcard ...
Timed Text Tags List of deprecated elements Accessibility Implementation Constants How to Use ActionScript Examples Legal notices Package Functions avSendToURL() Classes AVNetworkingParamsPackage Class public class Sound Inheritance Sound EventDispatcher Object Subclasses SoundAsset...
• Touch the labels at either end of the black bar to change the range of the keyboard. You can go as low as "C0" and as high as "C9". You can also change the range by swiping left/right on the black bar. Note that this ability does not exist in the AUv3 extension -- use...
As of this text, the current version is in the Additional Tools for Xcode 9 package. Additionally, these docs and tips will also prove valuable if you want to dive in at a deeper level than the AKSampler. Making Graphics IMPORTANT: You need to change the graphics to upload an app to ...
Access your translator anytime, anywhere. Say goodbye to language barriers and hello to a world of seamless communication. Text Translation: Translate phrases into 110+ languages with ease. Receive results in text format and listen to correct pronunciations for accurate communication. ...
The URL or class of the MP3 file to play. SoundEffect startTime:Number= 0 The initial position in the MP3 file, in milliseconds, at which playback should start. SoundEffect useDuration:Boolean= true If true, stop the effect after the time specified by the duration property has elapsed. ...