Augusta und Kalle Aldis Laar geben jeweils Einblicke in ihre diversen Arbeitsfelder. Bei Augusta werden ungewöhnliche Materialien in neue Ausdrucksformen verwandelt (z.B. bei den „Lippenstift-Monoprints“) während Kalle Aldis u.a. die Klangbrille aufsetzt („Sound Secrets“) und obs...
I recorded a (first) version of the work between December 2013 and July 2014, in 72 parts. Each of the parts lasts 20 minutes. Together the 72 parts constitute one full 24 hour cycle: the work starts and ends at 9:00 am, where it then - eventually - might start all over again: ...
as of a mighty rushing wind, which came from heaven; and might not only be heard by those in the house, into which it came, but by the inhabitants of the city, as it came down from heaven; so the Arabic version renders it, "when the aforesaid sound was made":...
John Cage's experimental music is of a very different kind, as eloquently worded in the first paragraph of a short article that originally appeared in 1955, later re-printed in his collection of writings Silence [JC].[W]here attention moves towards the observation and audition of many things...
temporal corp GAN, time stretching, Pitch shifting, background noise (BG), Dynamic range compression (DRC) WaveGAN Offline augmentation (pitch shifting, silence trimming, time stretch, adding white noise) Augmentation 1: (Zoom, Width shift, Fill mode, Brightness, Rotation, Height shift, Shear, ...