所属专辑:Phonics 猜你喜欢 551 The Sound-Millie by:嘻哈有态度 2.9万 Transcribing the Sound by:阳彻 1万 The classic sound。 by:我的繁星未泯 2538 The Sound of Danger by:Echo付小米 382 The Fourth Course-Compson Sound by:嘻哈有态度
孩子们从小学习Phonics,可以提前进入阅读领域,做到「听音拼字、字读音」,对未来的英语学习带来极大帮助1A+1B 认识字母的形状与声音2A+2B 认识字母3A+3B 认识短母音及音组4A+4B 33组短母音音组,16组混合音,70首歌谣韵文 (1)学习短母音 Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo 的组合 在单词中的拼读 (2)学习短母音音组Uu和混合音...
今天的课程还是继续由Joe给大家教学 坚持学习,会有你意想不到的收获 小鹿宝们,一起加油呀 Phonics Mini Class *点击绿色图标一起来学习吧 Words /o/-octopus 章鱼 /o/-orange 橙子 /o/-ox 公牛 /o/-ostrich 鸵鸟 Sentences OldoilyOllieoilsoldoily autos. 浑身油污的老欧利给浑身油污的旧车上油。 OscarOcto...
Phonics Mini Class 利用待在家做贡献的这段时间 给自己充电,温故而知新吧 不知不觉 已经到了自然拼读的第11节了 爸爸妈妈可以试着引导宝贝们拼读单词 锻炼锻炼宝宝的拼读能力了 事不宜迟,进入我们的学习环节 👇👇👇 小鹿宝们快快来学习打卡把 打卡之星 是来自江南西校区的Max小朋友 继续加油,期待你的进步...
Phonics Words A phonic sound is one that is made by a letter, such as the "o" in "to," a combination of letters, such as the "sion" in "expression," or a simple letter that sounds like its letter name, such as the "o" in "go." ...
This diphthong combines the sounds of “y” and “oo,” creating a unique pronunciation. Let’s delve into the origins of this intriguing sound and introduce an euvowel team gamethat our grade 1 students can play to work on this phonics sound. ...
Perfect for Science of Reading Centers! Teacher Testimonials "Ihave been using these cards forever! Kids enjoy the game and don't even realize they're getting phonics learning to stick!” Dr. Marnie Ginsberg, Reading Simplified A Reading Simplified Favourite for Years!
Phonics-字母的自然拼读Namesound形象讲解 •音标自然拼读 Let’ssingasong!AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz Phonics dog cat sheep woofmiaoneigh Phonics dog cat sheep Aa woofmiaoneigh /a/ apple /a/ Phonics-thesoundofletterAa Aa /a/ alligatorant appleax •an•am•and...
Are you tired of ads too? For a small fee you can get this site – and all the free goodies –100% ad-free! Click Here Practicereading oo wordswith this fun spin and color activity. Kids will work on identifying and readingoo sound wordswith this coloring phonics activity. Simply print...
Phonics Sound of the letter E Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz Let’s read! e b-ed bed ed r-ed red en t-en ten ell h-en hen Let’s review W-ell well a a a e e e e e he she we me E e he she we me Chan...