Sound FX » Vhs Tape Break来源: Freesound 前往原页面 查看译文 作者: Arq1998 许可: CC0 公众共享许可协议 描述: A VHS tape breaking/sliding in a VHS machine causing weird sounds. 标签: weirdsound Vhstapebreaking aliensounds old vhstapesliding retro tape alien sliding breaking vintage OWI ...
vintage sounds recorded directly from VHS tapes, this library is a treasure trove for any creative looking to add a touch of nostalgia to their work. Whether you’re making music, creating sound effects for a film, or just want to add some character to your podcasts, our VHS tape sound ...
"The whole idea of owning an 'audio‑only' product is going to become archaic. So we're moving into a new era for music in general. I'm convinced that what we're seeing is not revolutionary; it's anevolution, and by the end of the century you're not going to be able to buy ...
Affordable Sound has been in Austin for nearly 25 years as the primary supporter of all things Art, Music, and Commercial Business. Need CD's for your next show? Easy. Ran out of business cards the day before your big event? We've got you covered. We even specialize in Fine Art and...
appeared 13 years later when, in 1982, Dolby Laboratories introduced Dolby Surround for home use. Instead of focusing on music recordings, Dolby’s efforts were centered on the rapidly growing home video industry kicked off by Sony’s Betamax and then massively expanded by JVC’s VHS tape ...
s filming onto a 36 year old VHS tape. Watching that moment unfold, I felt embarrassment and shame but not for her, but for myself. An older, wiser, changed brother that could travel back in time would have put his arm around her and told her it was ok, that I was proud of her...
Have your recordings and productions sculpted into an emotive sounding piece of music. With the combination of analog consoles, tape machines, preamps and outboard gear, paired with premium digital plugins and a strong set of experienced and creative ears... a tailored mix can be achieved for ...
appeared 13 years later when, in 1982, Dolby Laboratories introduced Dolby Surround for home use. Instead of focusing on music recordings, Dolby’s efforts were centered on the rapidly growing home video industry kicked off by Sony’s Betamax and then massively expanded by JVC’s VHS tape ...
introducing drift, a tape degradation plugin that brings the warm, nostalgic sound of vintage tape machines into the digital realm, offering music producers and audio enthusiasts an authentic and versatile tape experience. easily add the unpredictability and nostalgia of tape into your tracks with all...
Using automation to bring in the tape stop and start effect is great fun. Given the very affordable price, I’d recommend Drift to anyone with an interest in lo‑fi music techniques or, say, pop producers wanting a new source of inspiration for spot effects....