The main protagonist, who was famously played by actress Julie Andrews in the movie adaptation, is sent to the family home to teach and look after seven children whose mother passed away and ends up bringing in new love of life and music into the home. There will be two casts of kids r...
the show stars Abby Longshore as the spirited Maria, with Cory Bryner as Captain von Trapp and Adair Arko as Mother Abbess along with a cast of local talented actors, singers and musicians with ages spanning eight decades... 'Hairspray' Not a Big Hit for NBC The Sound of Music Live See full article at Yidio 12/9/2016 by Evan Gillespie Yidio, Inc. takes no responsibility for the content or accuracy of the above news articles, Tweets, or blog posts. This content is published for the en...
bringing the gift of movies and music to like-minded loved ones and maybe even (if we’ve been nicer than naughty) building out our own personal libraries. To help y’all get a handle on some of the best offerings this year, we’ve taken the liberty of grouping our recommendations...
vb,-casts,-casting,-castor-casted 1.(Computer Science) (intr) to create such files and make them available for downloading 2.(Computer Science) (tr) to make (music, interviews, etc) available using this format [from i(Pod) + broad(cast)] ...
That's not the only time the sword's music becomes this. Go ahead, go back and play just about any of the Zelda games that include the Master Sword in its usual role, and try saying that this doesn't count as Most Wonderful Sound. (This is of course just a drawn-out, more dramat...
Elevate your home cinema experience with exhilarating DTS Virtual: X™ surround sound. Supporting the latest 4K Ultra HD TVs, the MusicCast BAR 40 delivers a range of connectivity options including Bluetooth® and HDMI®, as well as built-in music
while Stanko’s delicate punch of a solo is hot to the touch. Yet nothing can stop Miskiewicz from making the biggest waves below, crashing and roaring into the conclusion. Contrasting this is the closing “Theatrical,” which casts its ring into the fires of Mordor and walks away unscathed...
ABC's presentation of The Sound of Music drew 5.3 million viewers and a 1.1 rating on Sunday night, rising 10 percent and a tenth from last year's "sing-along" telecast. Leading the night, NBC's Sunday Night Football (Cowboys/Buccaneers, 20.9 mil/7.
On TV this Thursday: The hills are alive with The Sound of Music Live!, Wonderland sheds more light on Jafar's backstory, the castle is under siege on Reign, Elementary jobs are at risk and more.