Sound of Freedom - Il canto della libertà: Regia di Alejandro Monteverde. Con Jim Caviezel, Bill Camp, Cristal Aparicio, Javier Godino. Un ex agente del governo diventato vigilante che intraprende una pericolosa missione per salvare centinaia di bambini
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Feat. Rehb - Amor Bijoux Bijoux (Darkness Mix) 04:50 Dj JPedroza - Down (Dj-V. Remix) 06:49 Sex Stars - Freedom 03:22 Datura - El Sueño Remix (Remix 2002) 06:23 Shade & Federica Carta - Senza Farlo Apposta (Bietto Remix) 03:59 Tony Change & Bietto Feat. Andrea Morph - ...
According to adescriptionof the movie from Angel Studios, the movie depicts Ballard’s “relentless pursuit of justice exposes the dark underbelly of this global crime, leaving an indelible impact on the fight for freedom.” The movie includes fictionalized versions of some real-life people, includ...
In "Sound of Freedom," the little girl has a black mark on the back of her where the traffickers branded her. Here in Texas, experts say traffickers often claim and mark their victims with specific tattooing or branding as a means of ownership. ...
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Near the end of Sound of Freedom, we see Tim kill a trafficker to rescue a child. However, even though Tim will go where no one else will to rescue innocent children, he has never killed anyone, usually working with local police during his operations. Also, Tim quit his job, so in ...
Sound of FreedomMetascore Generally Unfavorable Based on 11 Critic Reviews 36 User Score Generally Favorable Based on 359 User Ratings 7.6My Score Hover and click to give a rating Add My Review Where to Watch Prime Video ($4.99) All Watch Options Not available in your country? Express...
Force. Tim talks about how Mel Gibson had contacted him to help out rescuing orphans from Ukraine, and that they were producing a 4-part documentary about this. Ballard is the central character in a new movie being released this week titled "Sound of Freedom," where actor Jim Caviezel ...