Sound of Freedom - Il canto della libertà: Regia di Alejandro Monteverde. Con Jim Caviezel, Bill Camp, Cristal Aparicio, Javier Godino. Un ex agente del governo diventato vigilante che intraprende una pericolosa missione per salvare centinaia di bambini
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The movie'scontroversy-filled receptionhasn't stopped it from becoming a commercial success. The popularity ofSound of Freedomhas defied criticism and doubts about the veracity of the plot, demonstrating that a good film can be made on a small budget. Though it took a long time to getSound ...
“Sound of Freedom” has scored another victory after it was announced that the hit film will be adding several hundred additional screens in theaters across the country in the film’s fourth week out — after soaring pass the $100 million mark at the bo
Sound of Freedom电影,联邦探员蒂姆·巴拉德(吉姆·卡维泽 Jim Caviezel 饰)在把一个小男孩从残忍的儿童拐卖犯罪中解救出来之后,比尔·坎普主演的《Sound of Freedom》是一部剧情,亚历杭德罗·戈麦斯·蒙特维尔德担任主编,是由亚历杭德罗·戈麦斯·蒙特维尔德执导,演员吉
The filmmaker behind this year’s surprise hit Sound of Freedom, Alejandro Monteverde, has offered us some insight into why Disney decided to shelve the movie following their acquisition of 20th Century Fox. Speaking exclusively with MovieWeb, the talented Alejandro Monteverde laid out the timeline ...
The former presidenthosted a screeningof “Sound of Freedom” at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, on July 19. Trump’s former strategist Steve Bannon attended the screening and said the movie could “unite the country,” according to The Guardian. ...
"TheSound of Freedommovie tackles a very tough subject, and took extraordinary effort to bring it to movie theaters. I'm proud to have been a small part of it. If you see the movie look for 'Fabian Marta and Family' at the very end of the credits," an alleged screenshot of one of...
Angel Studio’s goal forSound of Freedomis for two million people to go see the film in theaters the week of July 4- remembering the two million children who are trafficked annually. Propelling a movement that will save millions of kids around the world by watching this in theatres. You ca...
NORTH TEXAS ( —The movie "Sound of Freedom" is surprising many as ticket sales are now grossing near $150 million. The Angel Studios movie is based on a story about a federal agent who devotes his life to rescuing children forced into sex slavery. He saves dozens of ch...