During the end credit scroll for “Sound of Freedom,” a “special message” is presented, taking attention away from the professionals who helped to create the movie. Actor Jim Caviezel pops up to share the story of the feature’s journey to theaters, encouraging people to share word of th...
"Sound of Freedom" is based on the true story of Tim Ballard as he tries to rescue abducted children from sex traffickers. The movie was produced by "Angel Studios", and actually was made back in 2018 but faced a number of delays and finally saw the light of day in 2023.It is ...
“Sound of Freedom” is being sold as a “conservative” thriller. It’s based on the true story of Tim Ballard, the former Department of Homeland Security special agent who has devoted himself to fighting child sex trafficking, and who took his crusade private when he founded Operation Underg...
Review of Sound of FreedomSound of Freedom (2023) 6/10 Subpar execution but still pretty decent 23 August 2024 First off my rating is not because I didn't enjoy it too much because I was pretty engaged with it. But it's clear there were some things that just were a bit worse than...
It's no secret that my life, my lineage, and my family have faced more challenges than most. From the societal pressures of being the illegitimate child of drug-addled teens to dealing with the fallout of the death of my dad, Danny, in an LGBTQIA hate cr
bring about meaningful change. “Sound of Freedom,” the gripping 2023 film directed by Alejandro Monteverde, does exactly that. This compelling and eye-opening movie delves into the harrowing realities of human trafficking, shining a light on the darkness that lurks within the shadows of our soci...
Apart from its relentless messaging, the movie is hobbled by a near-total absence of procedural logic. By Miles Klee FULL REVIEW See All 11 Critic Reviews 10 Jiawook Jun 22, 2024 "Sound of Freedom" is a film that will leave you in tears, exposing the brutal reality of child traf...
'Sound of Freedom': Jim Caviezel child trafficking thriller is a box-office bash, and QAnon believers are celebrating
The Long Road to Success for Sound of Freedom Angel Studios There is no question that it was difficult to reachSound of Freedom'ssuccess. After Disney bought 20th Century Fox, the company that was scheduled to release the film, there were problems. This purchase caused the movie to be place...
WhenSound of Freedomdoes arrive on a streaming platform, it's unclear how popular it will end up being. Most people who wanted to watch the movie have likely already seen it in theaters, while those discomforted by the content are unlikely to check it out. However,Sound of Freedom's thea...