I am also enjoying the healing of the Voice Code therapy too. I am also enjoying reading and learning from your book also. Thank you so much again and your amazingly helpful team getting me up and running. Love, light, and blessings, Diane Batcheler Just running the frequencies through my...
” If so, this album is a wonder of healing at a time when the world itself has been reduced to an ailing organism in more ways than one. Let it hold you close, never letting go until your cheeks are dry.
Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal, Yoga Retreat in Nepal, meditation classes, Yoga Healing, Yogic Detox, Acupressure Therapy, Reiki healing, Spa, and Health package with the Highly experience instructor. Also, people can enjoy Nepali cultural, hygienic, vegetarian and...
Basil oil therapy helped reduce memory impairment, brain (hippocampus) damage, and depression caused by chronic unpredictable stress and decreased the levels of the stress hormone corticosterone in a study in mice. At a clinical trial on 35 people with generalized anxiety disorder, holy basil leaf ...
Music therapy is a recognized practice that helps individuals cope with various physical and emotional conditions. Whether it’s alleviating stress, reducing pain, or aiding in rehabilitation, music’s soothing harmonies offer unique healing and solace. It is a multifaceted art form that enriches our...