Create with a legacy of sound at your fingertips. The iconic BBC Sound Effects Archive delivers historic sounds and nature recordings from around the world.
The BBC Nature Sound Effects Library The BBC Nature Sounds Archive is a comprehensive collection of animal noises and nature recordings that is unrivalled in the world of sound. This comprehensive and unique archive was compiled over the last few decades by the British Broadcasting Corporation.Since...
The BBC Complete Sound Effects Library puts a legacy of sound at your fingertips. Explore this treasure trove of historical and rare sounds in all categories.
The Complete BBC Sound Effects Library is a massive collection of more than 29,000 royalty free sound effects spanning the sonic palette, and covering the globe.
The BBC Sound Effects Library, second edition, offers an astonishing variety of professional quality sound effects and ambiences from around the world, on 20 royalty free CDs. Included in this collection are: * trains, steam transport and steam engines ...
BBC Sound Effects BBC官方提供的音效素材库,3万多条音频,质量很高很好。网址:
大小:38.3 GB WAV音频素材 试听: 包含以下音效: BBC 01 General Sound Effects 常用音效 BBC 02 Exterior Atmospheres 天气音效 BBC 03 Househol...
Library size 16,000. Licensing Royalty free for non-commercial use, and a paid option for commercial use. Our rating BBC Sound Effects provides a vast library of 16,000 high-quality effects for personal, educational, or research purposes. While the search functionality could be improved, the ...
【网页】BBC So..【网页简介】免费声音资料库网站 ,收录超过16,000多个声音效果无论是早期广播、演讲、动物鸣叫、城市、交通工具或战争时期的武器声都能在这个网站中找到。如果依照每个页面显示25则音讯素材,目前总页数已
BBC Sound Effects Library – CDs 1-60 on Hard Drive offers 2,400 sound effects from the BBC'...