Your network of premier, independent physicians, nurse practitioners, audiologists and speech pathologists serving the St. Louis metro region for more than two decades.
Louis Children's Hospital, St. Louis, Mo., USAS.Karger AGAudiology & neuro-otologyReeder RM, Cadieux J, Firszt JB (2015) Quantification of speech- in-noise and sound localisation abilities in children with unilateral hearing loss and comparison to normal hearing peers. Audiology ...
To learn more about how we can help you control and evaluate noise, visit our booth at the annual conference of the American Academy of Audiology (AAA)/HearTech Expo 2020in New Orleans over April 1-4. You'll also find us at the annual conference of the Institute of Noise Control Engi...
Adenoiditis You’re probably familiar with tonsillitis, an infection of the tonsils caused by viruses and bacteria but did you know your adenoids can also become infected? Your adenoids are a pair of soft tissues masses located behind the nose and roof of the mouth that trap germs and create...
David Lipscomb, a former professor of audiology at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, tested over a thousand incoming freshmen and discovered that six of every ten had heating loss typical of the elderly. Rock music is one cause. The noise in a reek-concert hall can easily exceed 120...