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slskd begins listening for incoming connections on port 50300 and maps the application directory to the provided path. Once the container is running you can access the web UI over HTTP on port 5030, or HTTPS on port 5031. The default username and password are slskd and slskd, respectively...
Open src/museekd_config.xml.default and set your Soulseek username & password and any other configuration you want to change: <key id="password"></key> <key id="username"></key> You may want to set/change your download & incomplete dir also if you have changed them in the docker-...
slskd begins listening for incoming connections on port 50300 and maps the application directory to the provided path. Once the container is running you can access the web UI over HTTP on port 5030, or HTTPS on port 5031. The default username and password are slskd and slskd, respectively...