Soulframe is opening up its ‘preludes’ test phases for up to 10,000 more people a week Bree Royce-November 7, 20242 If you've been watching Digital Extremes talk up Soulframe's preludes testing phases over the last few months, then this might be your moment, as... ...
Preludes 8, expected this month,introduces the Omen Shewolf Orengall in a new Fable. You'll get a chance to unlock her, and eventually, you can choose one of her cute little wolf pups (which we get a look at for proper awww-ing) to be your wolf c...
由于团队仍在继续开发下一个更新,我们决定将 Soulframe 序幕 8 更新推迟到假期之后的 2025 年 1 月。 序幕8 更新将带来值得一猎的更新,包括早期版本的战歌、Orengall 自己的寓言,以及第一个社交中心 —— 隐蔽的寂静玫瑰飞地(Silent Rose Enclave),酷酒壶酒馆将在那里恭候你们的光临。 感谢你们的耐心等待,在我们...
Soulframeis currently in its “preludes” phase – the five-dollar term Digital Extremes uses to refer to a test build – and it looks as if those tests are mighty pretty indeedas evidenced by its latest gameplay trailer, which was delivered during Tencent’s Level Infinite s...
我们对新一年的工作充满期待 —— 现在就请继续去探索、游玩和冒险吧! - DE 团队 来自: 年终回顾年终总结灵魂战甲SoulframeDigitalExtremes
DE_Steve - Soulframe Preludes - test stream hi Soulframe | Home for Envoys of Ode Sky 3.7千次浏览 30 天前 2:15 Gargoyle's Cry механикаивента Soulframe | Home for Envoys of Ode Sky 5.1千次浏览 1 个月前 0:21 Soulframe - анимациявзаимодей...
我们对新一年的工作充满期待 —— 现在就请继续去探索、游玩和冒险吧! - DE 团队 来自: 年终回顾年终总结灵魂战甲SoulframeDigitalExtremes