Inner Vitality, Alacrity, Chaos Meteor, Shadow Word, Liquid Fire, Shadow Strike, Warcry, Concussive Shot, Overpower, Mana Leak, Curse of the Silent, Press The Attack, Poison Touch, Flame Guard, Whirling Death, Viper's Poison Attack, Sticky Napalm, DK's Frost Breath, Whirling Axes, Walrus...
intoablackviper,andhidownmotherwillslayhim.Withawheel IcandrawtheMoonfrom heaven,andinacrystalIcanshowtheeDeath.Whatdyelack?What dyelack?Tellmethy desire,andIwillgiveitthee,andthoushaltpaymeaprice,pretty boy,thoushaltpaymea price.`Mydesireisbutforalittlething,saidtheyoungFisherman, `yethaththePriestbeen...
Sprinkle it on thine enemy while he sleeps, and he will turn into a black viper, and hid own mother will slay him. With a wheel I can draw the Moon from heaven, and in a crystal I can show thee Death. What dye lack? What dye lack? Tell me thy desire, and I will give it ...
and one evening the net was so heavy that hardly could he draw it into the boat. And he laughed, and said to himself `Surely I have caught all the fish that swim, or snared some dull monster that will be a marvel to men, or some thing of horror that the great Queen will desire...
but even as I sent thee away before, so will I send thee away now, for thou hast wrought me no good.’ And he turned his back to the moon, and with the little knife that had the handle of green viper’s skin he strove to cut from his feet that shadow of the body which is th...
and only capitulates when he angrily says he will slay her. She gives him a small knife of green viper’s skin from her girdle and tells him to stand on the seashore in the shadow of the moon and cut away his own shadow and bid it leave him. The Fisherman trembles but takes...
Envy lucks at the bottom of the human heart a viper in its hole.嫉妒潜伏在人心底,如同毒蛇潜伏在穴中。 Be careful of that viper;he is dangerous.小心那个阴险的人,他很危险。 59 slay v.杀死,宰杀,杀戮 参考例句: He intended to slay his father's murderer.他意图杀死杀父仇人。 She has ord...
Inner Vitality, Alacrity, Chaos Meteor, Shadow Word, Liquid Fire, Shadow Strike, Warcry, Concussive Shot, Overpower, Mana Leak, Curse of the Silent, Press The Attack, Poison Touch, Flame Guard, Whirling Death, Viper's Poison Attack, Sticky Napalm, DK's Frost Breath, Whirling Axes, Walrus...
Inner Vitality, Alacrity, Chaos Meteor, Shadow Word, Liquid Fire, Shadow Strike, Warcry, Concussive Shot, Overpower, Mana Leak, Curse of the Silent, Press The Attack, Poison Touch, Flame Guard, Whirling Death, Viper's Poison Attack, Sticky Napalm, DK's Frost Breath, Whirling Axes, Walrus...