The game is addicting and very fun concept. But the levels get way too hard too fast. With the silver package I’m getting a total of 1,000 free gems per day and have still been stuck on this level for a week. Not great difficulty scaling. It makes it seem like you have to drop...
<?php namespace Database\Seeders; use Illuminate\Database\Seeder; use LucasDotVin\Soulbscription\Enums\PeriodicityType; use LucasDotVin\Soulbscription\Models\Plan; class PlanSeeder extends Seeder { public function run() { $silver = Plan::create([ 'name' => 'silver', 'periodicity_type' ...
varkeywords ='abstract boolean break byte case catch char class const continue debugger '+ 'default delete do double else enum export extends false final finally float '+ 'for function goto if implements import in instanceof int interface long native '+ 'new null package private protected public...
Presently, in order to realize cash store, the campus card system uses the way which the campus card and the bankcard binding, the school and the bank cooperation is loose.The present paper through to the above question research, proposed the whole solution: An establishment silver school cartoo...
背景:由于我使用的是百度空间,本身百度空间发帖的富文本编辑器并不支持代码高亮,因此最近搞了一个FireFox下的用户脚本,可以通过快捷键设置代码高亮,效果很不错,并且实现了脱离百度空间以及FireFox的环境。 下面就将代码与大家分享(注:此高亮效果即为快捷键设置的结果) ...