【嘉宾】 ■冈村光(制片人) 《蓝龙》《最后的故事》《SOUL SACRIFICE》系列《DYSCHRONIA: Chronos Alternate》等 ■下川辉宏(导演/编剧) 《SOUL SACRIFICE》系列、《洛克人ex》系列、《逆转检事2》等...
We are human like you…But worst of all, each night the Americans sent over helicopters broadcasting recorded tape of babies crying and women’s voice pleading in Vietnamese for us to come home, or a child’s voice saying “Mommy is crying, she can’t sleep; she loves you and misses ...
Charles Ryrie in his bookBasic Theologysays propitiation is “the turning away of the wrath of God because of the offering of Christ.” Because Christ’s sacrificial death satisfied God’s wrath against sin, those who have accepted His sacrifice by faith, don’t have to pay the penalty that...
The new year is almost here. If you haven’t already, you cansign up herefor my daily email orsubscribe here for the YouTube version. Here’s a short video about what we’re doing on YouTube. If this post spoke to you, I hope you’ll share it on your favorite social media platfo... 【嘉宾】 ■冈村光(制片人) 《蓝龙》《最后的故事》《SOUL SACRIFICE》系列《DYSCHRONIA: Chronos Alternate》等 ■下川辉宏(导演/编剧) 《SOUL SACRIFICE》系列、《洛克人ex》系列、《逆转检事2》等...