需要全集网盘资源的三连+关注私信up发 《动感新势力》(Anime New Power)是2003年初基于《电子游戏软件》杂志社出版的《电玩新势力》热卖的基础上,以动画为对象出版的全新型动画影像读物。与以往的动漫资讯书籍最大的不同之处,是对于动画不但有图片和文字的介绍,还配有影像和音乐,从而使读者对所需了解的动画有直接...
Soul Eater Wiki, the community editable encyclopedia about the anime and manga Soul Eater. Get facts and information about the chapters, episodes, and characters like Maka Albarn, Soul Eater Evans, Black☆Star, Tsubaki Nakatsukasa, Death the Kid, and his
There are so many memorable quotes from the anime Soul Eater, but which ones stood out to you the most? Since it's just a great anime, let's rank the best quotes from Soul Eater, with the help of your votes. Adapted from the manga by Atsushi Ōkubo, Soul Eater is a shone...
↑ EaterManga: Chapter 1 ↑Soul EaterVolume 2; Chapter 2, page 48 -Stein: "Soul Resonance" - The Meister sends her Soul Wavelength into the weapon, which then amplifies it and sends it back to the Meister...done repeatedly. This can generate a very powerful soul wavelength....
↑"FUNimation Adds Soul Eater Anime from Media Factory". animenewsnetwork.com. December 31, 2008.https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2008-12-31/funimation-adds-soul-eater-anime-from-media-factory. Retrieved on July 8, 2019. ↑"Haruhi Suzumiya Film, Soul Eater Dub's Promos Posted". ani...
Soul Eater: "Not Cool Maka!" Soul Eater: "YOU IDIOT, Of course we're still friends!" Soul Eater: "Back away! I won't let you touch my Meister!!" Soul Eater: "The fear of interacting with people...even I understand that one." Soul Eater: "As a cool guy, I'm used to seeing...
soul是灵魂的意思,eater是捕捉者的意思~~所以叫《噬魂师》啊 而且男主角也是叫做SOUL累~~
《SOUL EATER》(日语:ソウルイーター)是由日本漫画家大久保笃创作的漫画作品。从2004年6月号的《月刊少年GANGAN》开始连载,直到2013年9月号结束,单行本共有25卷。这部作品是作者继《B壹》后的第二部长篇连载作品。在此之前,作者在2003年的GANGAN POWERD夏季号、秋季号及月刊GANGAN WING 2004年1月号上刊载了3...
噬魂师之所以叫SOUL EATER,是因为这个名字直接反映了作品的核心主题和情节。首先,从字面意义上看,“噬魂”即吞噬灵魂,“噬魂师”即能吞噬灵魂的存在。这与作品中主角们所生活的世界观相符,其中存在着能够吞噬他人灵魂以获得力量的生物,即噬魂魔。而“SOUL EATER”正是...
噬魂者 SOUL EATER 片头曲01(转制高清版) 有想UP主转制的动漫OP&ED可留言 resonance 动画 综合 动画 歌曲 主题曲 动漫音乐 片头曲 动画歌曲 蝶忆心语 《斩服少女》片头曲《シリウス》 百合猫岚 重温经典频道 动画片《邋遢大王奇遇记》片尾曲、片头曲 ...