Past tense of seek; to have gone in search or quest of. He sought advice from his mentor. 11 Sort To order or sequence. The library assistant sorted the books alphabetically. 6 Sought Desired or wished for. A much sought-after feature in smartphones is long battery life. 9 Sort To cat...
Something that is sought-after isin great demand, usually because it is rare or of very good quality. What means work sought? theskillful art of eyeing and identifying employment arrangements, by either job seekers or the publishers of staffing vacancies. Ex.: Jack was adept at employerism and...
a不管是参加雅思还是托付考试,都要尽快的做准备,尽早地通过考试,才能不影响之后的专业课学习。 No matter is the senate gaya thinks or entrusts the test, all must as soon as possible prepare, as soon as possible through the test, can not affect after the professional course study.[translate] ...
12 And after that he was in distress he prayed to the Lord his God: and did penance exceedingly before the God of his fathers. 13 And he entreated him, and besought him earnestly: and he heard his prayer, and brought him again to Jerusalem into his kingdom, and Manasses knew that ...
aAfter they did the experiment, they found After they did the experiment, they found neither of their watches could tell the correct time 在他们做了实验之后,他们没有发现,在他们做了实验之后,他们发现了两者都不他们的手表可能告诉正确时间[translate] ...
The first thing you notice about John Archer -and the final impression you walk away with after interviewing him -is that he is a careful man. As the authority's chief planning officer, it was his recommendations that led WDC to High Court war with the airport. And now one battle has...