Eruption of Soufriere Hills Volcano in Montserrat continues. EOS Trans. AGU 78, 404-409.S. Young, S. Sparks, R. Robertson, L. Lynch, W. Aspinall, Eruption of Soufriere Hills Volcano in Montserrat contin- ues, Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 78 (1997) 401-409....
Related to Soufriere:Soufriere Hills Sou·fri·ère (so͞o′frē-ĕr′) 1.A volcano, 1,234 m (4,048 ft) high, on St. Vincent Island in the Windward Islands of the West Indies. A violent eruption in 1902 killed more than 1,000 people. ...
The Eruption of Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, from 1995 to 1999. In The eruption of Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat from 1995 to 1999 (Vol. 21). London: Geological Society, London, Memoirs 2002... TH Druitt,BP Kokelaar - 《Geological Society London Memoirs》 被引量: 197发表:...
Lithosphere–atmosphere–ionosphere coupling after the 2003 explosive eruption of the Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 64 作者:D Thomas,C Eric,L Philippe,GS Mattioli 摘要: Resonant coupling between the Earth and the atmosphere at frequencies where the solid ...
The Soufrière Hills eruption, Montserrat, British West Indies: introduction to Special Section, Part 1 - Aspinall, Lynch, et al. - 1998Aspinall, W. P. et al. The Soufriere Hills Eruption, Montserrat, British West Indies: Introduction to Special Section, Part 1. Geophys. Res. Lett. ...
Soufriere Hills(210)pb-Ra-226enclavestimescalesvolatilesMafic enclaves brought to the surface in volcanic eruptions offer insight into the deeper sections of a volcanic plumbing system, where the degree of interaction between deeper, mafic magma and the magma reservoir directly feeding a volcanic ...
Lithosphere- Atmosphere-Ionosphere coupling after the 2003 explosive eruption of the Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat. Geophys J Int 2009;179(3):1537e46.Dautermann, T., E. Calais, P. Lognonne, and G. S. Mattioli (2009), Lithosphere‐atmosphere‐ionosphere coupling after the 2003 explosive...
Eruption of Soufriere HillsEducation
Here, we present results from an analysis of shear-wave splitting in regional and local earthquakes recorded during the 1995-present eruption of the Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat. A completed study of VT FPS for this eruption documented ~90掳 local stress field reorientations occurring prior...
Lithosphere–atmosphere–ionosphere coupling after the 2003 explosive eruption of the Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat 喜欢 0 阅读量: 23 作者: Thomas Dautermann,Eric Calais,Philippe Lognonné,Glen S. Mattioli 摘要: Resonant coupling between the Earth and the atmosphere at frequencies where the ...