正确答案:int sortnum(int num) { int number [3] , i, j, temp; for (i=0; i<3; i++) { number [i] =num%10; num=num/10; } for (i=0;i<2 ;i++) { for (j=i+1; j<3;j++) if (number[j]<=number[i]) { temp=number [j]; number [j] =number [i]; number [i]...
他说错了 调用sortNum(),把myarr里的数赋值给a,b然后互相比较, 若返回值<0,则表示 A ...
(a-b)=30---第二次调用函数:a是80,b是50,结果为30>0,因此交换位置:16,50,80,6,100,1 (a...
请编写一个函数sortnum(int num),参数num是一个三位的整数,该函数将num的百位、十位和个位的数字进行重排,并返回由上述的三个数字组成的最大的三位数。 注意部分源程序已存在文件test28_2.cpp中。 如输入456后,输出结果如下 654 请勿修改主函数main和其他函数中的任何内容,仅在函数sortnum的花括号中填写若干...
SORTNUM=0number This keyword corresponds to the SORTNUM keyword supported in the IBM® Db2® utility LOAD DATA statement. If it is specified with SORTDEVT, the SORTNUM keyword and its setting are not processed by Db2 LOAD. This keyword is optional. Default Setting—0 SORTNUM is not ...
一、报错信息 报错信息如下: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: mapper [sortNum] of different type, current_type [long], merged_type [keyword] at org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.FieldMapper.doMerge( at org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.NumberFieldMapper.doMerge(NumberFie...
public class NumSort { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO 自动生成的方法存根 int[]a=new int[args.length]; for(int i=0;i<args.length;i++){ a[i]=Integer.parseInt(args[i]); } System.out.println("排序前:"); ...
sortnum1601n 1.0.0•Public• Published7 years ago This package does not have a README.Add a READMEto your package so that users know how to get started. Readme Keywords none npm isortnum1601n Weekly Downloads 1 Version 1.0.0...