帕特里夏-马祖的《波尔多囚徒》,伊莎贝尔-于佩尔主演:我们的意见和预告片 作为2024 年戛纳电影节 Quinzaine des Cinéastes 精选影片的一部分,Patricia Mazuy 推出了《波尔多的囚徒》(La Prisonnière de Bordeaux)。该片由伊莎贝尔-于佩尔(Isabelle Huppert)和哈...
Note that this new tour entitled"Hans Zimmer Live" is also scheduled to stop in Nice on May 6, Montpellier on May 7 and Bordeaux on May 9, 2023. We recall that the German composer is at the origin of mythical music from many masterpieces ... Pro...