Sorting.quickSort(reversedArr) println(reversedArr.mkString(", ")) 输出结果为:8, 5, 3, 2, 1 在这个例子中,我们首先将数组arr反转得到reversedArr,然后使用quickSort方法对reversedArr进行排序。最后,使用mkString方法将排序后的数组转换为字符串并打印出来。 Scala的Sorting.quickSort方法是一种原地排序算法,它...
publicstaticvoidsubSort(int[] source,intbegin,intend) {if(begin <end) {//标记1从开始起,因为不包括base,而且使用前要++,所以为这个数intsign1 =begin;//标记2从结束起,使用前要--,所以为这个数intsign2 = end + 1;//假设第一个为baseintbase =source[begin];while(true) {//从左向右找第一个...
publicstaticvoidsubSort(int[] source,intbegin,intend) {if(begin <end) {//标记1从开始起,因为不包括base,而且使用前要++,所以为这个数intsign1 =begin;//标记2从结束起,使用前要--,所以为这个数intsign2 = end + 1;//假设第一个为baseintbase =source[begin];while(true) {//从左向右找第一个...
QuickSort() is approximately half as fast as MergeSort() on these datasets, but would behave much worse on partially ordered sets and other pathological cases, whereas MergeSort has a regular time complexity that does not depend on the dataset and performs a stable sort. Q...
quickSort(alist, 0, len(alist)-1) print(alist) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 5.13.总结 对于有序和无序列表,顺序搜索是 O(n)。 在最坏的情况下,有序列表的二分查找是 O(log^n )。
In this chapter we present an important sorting algorithm of moderate complexity called “QUICKSORT”. Once again, your main goal should be to gain additional problem solving experience by converting the conceptual description of this algorithm into a...
#include<Arduino.h>#include<AceSorting.h>usingace_sorting::shellSortKnuth;constuint16_tARRAY_SIZE =20;intarray[ARRAY_SIZE];voidprintArray(int* array,uint16_tarraySize) {for(uint16_ti =0; i < arraySize; i++) { Serial.print(array[i]); Serial.print(''); } Serial.println(); }void...
The basic steps of quicksort include: Choose a pivot element from the array. Partition the array into two sub-arrays, one containing elements smaller than the pivot and the other containing elements larger than the pivot. Sort the two sub-arrays recursively using quicksort. Combine the two ...
the libc++ standard sorting library3. It is the first change to these sub-routines in over a decade. This is also the first time that any component in this sort library has been replaced by an algorithm that has been automatically discovered using reinforcement learning. We estimate that ...
In this chapter we present an important sorting algorithm of moderate complexity called "QUICKSORT". Once again, your main goal should be to gain additional problem solving experience by converting the conceptual description of this algorithm into a functioning computer program.Springer Berlin Heidelberg...