陪审团出席并就座 ARTHUR PAUL KEBEL , a witness called on behalf of the State of Indiana, being duly sworn by the Court, testified as follows: ARTHUR PAUL KEBEL,印第安纳州方代表证人, 当庭完成起誓,并作证声明如下: DIRECT EXAMINATION, QUESTIONS BY MR. LEROY NEW, DEPUTY PROSECUTOR 由控方代理人...
陪审团出席并就座 ARTHUR PAUL KEBEL , a witness called on behalf of the State of Indiana, being duly sworn by the Court, testified as follows: ARTHUR PAUL KEBEL,印第安纳州方代表证人, 当庭完成起誓,并作证声明如下: DIRECT EXAMINATION, QUESTIONS BY MR. LEROY NEW, DEPUTY PROSECUTOR 由控方代理人...